Class Syllabus
The dates for the next class are being planned for the beginning of November 2009. The classes are held in the Buffalo Hypnosis office, across the street from Kenmore Mercy Hospital at 2949 Elmwood Ave in Buffalo, NY. The classes meet once a week for 5 weeks, 2.5 hours each class. There is a maximum of 5 couples per class. Call Melissa Barnes at (716) 534-5534 or email to reserve your spot in the next class. In situations where timing or travel distance makes it impossible for you to take the full class (ie you are too close to your estimated due date to finish the normal five-week classes or live too far away to make multiple trips), I can make special accommodations to teach you the same course materials in a shorter time frame. This usually consists of two days, 6-7 hours each day. I only do this under those special circumstances.UNIT #1:
Building A Positive Expectancy
- Introduction
- HypnoBirthing Philosophy
- Rationale for Comfortable Birth
- How the Uterus Works
- What's Wrong with Labor?
- How Fear Affects Labor
- Origin of Pain Concept
- Hypnosis and Deep Relaxation/Creating Positive Birth Outcomes
- HypnoBirthing Stories Video of Labor & Birth - 1 and 2
UNIT #2:
Falling in Love with Your Baby
Preparing Mind & Body
- HypnoBirthing Stories Video - 3 and 4
- Prenatal Bonding Techniques
- The Birthing Environment
- Relaxation for Birthing
- Breathing Techniques for Birthing
- Progressive and Instant Deepening Techniques
- Light Touch Massage
- Hypnotic Relaxation and Visualizations
- Preparing the Body for Birthing
UNIT #3:
Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
- Birth Stories Videos - 5 and 6
- Preparing your Birth Preferences Sheets
- Making Hospital, Home or Birthing Center Plans
- Looking at your Estimated Due Date
- When Baby is Ready
- Avoiding Artificial Induction of Labor
- Your Body Working for You And with You
- Releasing Negative Emotions, Fears and Limiting Thoughts
UNIT #4:
Overview of Childbirth - A Labor of Love
- Birth Stories Video - 7 and 8
- Onset of Labor - Thinning and Opening Phase
- Arriving at the Hospital
- As Labor Moves Along
- Birth Companion's Role
- If Labor Rests or Slows
- Protecting the Natural Birthing Experience
- As Birthing Advances - Nearing Completion
- Birth Rehearsal Imagery
UNIT# 5:
Birthing - Breathing Love, Bringing Life
- Birthing Video
- Mother Nears Completion - Thinning and Opening Phase Ends
- Birth Explained Simply
- Breathing Baby Down
- Positions for Birthing
- Birth of the Placenta
- Bonding with your Baby
- Forest Fantasy Metaphor