Not very long yet. I'm still working on it. - Marie Mongan's hypnobirthing site. Find a practitioner in your area. Birth photos and stories. Supportive Providers List.
Baby go to Sleep - Many people swear by these CDs to calm a crying baby. Utilizes the sound of a person's heartbeat.
Benefits of Breastfeeding - straight from the US Dept of Health and Human Services. Benefits to baby, mom, and society in general.
Health Risks of Not Breastfeeding - again from the US Dept of Health and Human Services. With obesity rates spiraling out of control in this country, note that breastfeeding is one thing you can do for your child to help prevent future weight problems and associated health problems.
How to Breastfeed - with photos from Fit Pregnancy.
La Leche League - find a local group near you to help support your breastfeeding plans.
Cloth or disposable diapers? - New parents guide compares the options. - No diapers? ... Elimination Communication, Natural Infant Hygiene, and Infant Potty Training are names for it. Commonplace in Asia, parts of Africa and Latin America.
"The process involves observing one's baby's signs and signals, providing cue sounds and elimination-place associations, and can be done with or without any diaper use."
Using this method, some parents have potty-trained their infants from birth. I don't have any personal or client feedback on this technique, but it seems interesting to consider.
Boston Globe - Look, Ma, no diaper! by Ricki Morell. Published July 5, 2005. Article about diaper free babies through Elimination Communication.